1. 孔子:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。(Confucius: Those who know are not as good as those who love, and those who love are not as happy as those who enjoy.)
2. 孟子:人而不仁,犬豕不如。(Mencius: Man without benevolence is not as good as a dog or pig.)
3. 墨子:兼爱非爱情,皆为人也。(Mozi: Universal love is not just love, it is for all humanity.)
4. 韩非子:开口婴儿,得失俗人。(Han Feizi: Babies open their mouths, while common people focus on gains and losses.)
5. 老子:大道废,有仁义;智慧出,有大伪。(Laozi: When the great Tao is abandoned, there is benevolence and righteousness; when intelligence comes forth, there is great deception.)
6. 庄子:蝴蝶梦,笑起则梦碎。(Zhuangzi: The butterfly dream, when it laughs, the dream is shattered.)
7. 孙子:知己知彼,百战不殆。(Sun Tzu: Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be in peril in a hundred battles.)
8. 曹操:宁可我负天下人,不可天下人负我。(Cao Cao: I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me.)
9. 陆游:知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。(Lu You: Those who know me think I am worried, those who don't know me wonder what I want.)
10. 王阳明:知行合一,一心无二。(Wang Yangming: Unity of knowledge and action, one heart without dualism.)